This Fall, the PTA will begin assembling the Student Directory for the 2016-2017 School Year. The directory will contain the name, address, phone number, teacher name, and parent email addresses for each student at Matsunaga and Longview (as families opt in), as well as teacher emails and other valuable school information. It will be distributed to each family that joins the PTA. PTA members will have access to a mobile directory app – you will have all directory information right at your fingertips from your smart phone!! This is a very valuable resource available to PTA members only.
In an attempt to get the directory in your hands as quickly as possible, we need your help. We will be testing a program where parents can go online to a secure, unique password-protected website to verify your information. You can choose to list all, some, or none of your info right in one place. In order to get this done, we need email addresses from all of our parents. This email list will ONLY be used to send out directory verification emails and will not be shared unless you indicate to be added to the PTA email list. As soon as possible, please fill out the directory form with the following information:
Student Name(s)
Parent Email(s)
If you would like to be added to the PTA Email list, please indicate that as well.
You’ll receive an email with your unique password to input or verify your information. You will also be able to opt out of the directory. Please look for this email and respond quickly so that we may print and distribute an accurate directory.
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